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Doing a number on math ed The C.D. Howe Institute recently released a “report” that says our math scores are falling, the problem is “discovery learning”, and the solution is “direct instruction” with a focus on “basic skills” (like paperandpencil
multiplication and division). The word “report” sounds impressive: somebody must have done a study and the C.D. Howe Institute is doing a public service by sharing the “report”. However, if you take a closer look at its website you’ll discover that this report is actually a “commentary” — an opinion piece and not research.
But please don’t go to their website on your own, unless someone directly instructs you to do so, because discovery might lower your math score. [read more]

Sandy CaptureDawson passed away too soon on January 12, 2015  following unsuccessful treatment for pancreatic cancer. In order to continue his important work, the College of Education at the University of Hawaii would like to build a $35,000+ endowment in perpetuity for Mathematics Education and Ethnomathematics in Sandy Dawson’s name. Donations can be made “In Memory of Sandy Dawson.” For more information, please contact Director of Development Mark Fukeda at or (808) 956-7988.