Regular membership of the Study Group shall be open to mathematicians and mathematics educators in Canada who accept the aims of the Group.
Associate membership shall be open to others, who accept the aims of the Group, subject to the approval of the executive.
If you meet the conditions for becoming a Regular Member then
- send your name, institutional affiliation, and contact information (mailing address, fax, email) and the membership fee ($35, cheque or money order only, payable to CMESG/GCEDM) to the Treasurer & Membership Secretary or
- fill and send the registration form for this year’s annual meeting.
If you wish to come to the annual meeting and do not meet the conditions for becoming a Regular member, then please contact one of the members of the executive.
Past Regular members of the group are obviously always welcome to join in again.
Making a Donation in Support of Graduate Student Attendance at CMESG Meetings
CMESG now has official status as a charitable organization. Donations go toward Graduate Student Conference Support Grants. These grants are intended to help full time mathematics and mathematics education graduate students reduce the cost of conference registration, travel, and accommodation. For more details see our Donation Policy on our website.
Please consider making a donation in support of graduate student attendance at our annual meetings. Any amount is welcome. Cheque or money order only, please, payable to CMESG/GCEDM.
When making a donation please state the amount of the donation, your full name, and the address to which you would like the receipt mailed. Send to the Treasurer & Membership Secretary.