1977 Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
- A. J. COLEMAN: The objectives of mathematics education
- C. GAULIN: Innovations in teacher education programmes
- T. E. KIEREN: The state of research in mathematics education
1978 Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
- G. R. RISING: The mathematician’s contribution to curriculum development
- A. I. WEINZWEIG: The mathematician’s contribution to pedagogy
1979 Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
- J. AGASSI: The Lakatosian revolution*
- J. A. EASLEY: Formal and informal research methods and the cultural status of school mathematics*
1980 Université Laval, Québec, Québec
- C. GATTEGNO: Reflections on forty years of thinking about the teaching of mathematics
- D. HAWKINS: Understanding understanding mathematics
1981 University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
- K. IVERSON: Mathematics and computers
- J. KILPATRICK: The reasonable ineffectiveness of research in mathematics education*
1982 Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
- P. J. DAVIS: Towards a philosophy of computation*
- G. VERGNAUD: Cognitive and developmental psychology and research in mathematics education*
1983 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
- S. I. BROWN: The nature of problem generation and the mathematics curriculum*
- P. J. HILTON: The nature of mathematics today and implications for mathematics teaching*
1984 University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario
- A. J. BISHOP: The social construction of meaning: A significant development for mathematics education?*
- L. HENKIN: Linguistic aspects of mathematics and mathematics instruction
1985 Université Laval, Québec, Québec
- H. BAUERSFELD: Contributions to a fundamental theory of mathematics learning and teaching
- H. O. POLLAK: On the relation between the applications of mathematics and the teaching of mathematics
1986 Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland
- R. FINNEY: Professional applications of undergraduate mathematics
- A. H. SCHOENFELD: Confessions of an accidental theorist*
1987 Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
- P. NESHER: Formulating instructional theory: The role of students’ misconceptions*
- H. S. WILF: The calculator with a college education
1988 University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
- C. KEITEL: Mathematics education and technology*
- L. A. STEEN: All one system
1989 Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario
- N. BALACHEFF: Teaching mathematical proof: The relevance and complexity of a social approach
- D. SCHATTSNEIDER: Geometry is alive and well!
1990 Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia
- U. D’AMBROSIO: Values in mathematics education*
- A. SIERPINSKA: On understanding mathematics*
1991 University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick
- J. J. KAPUT: Mathematics and technology: Multiple visions of multiple futures
- C. LABORDE: Approches théoriques et méthodologiques des recherches françaises en didactique des mathématiques
1992 ICME-7, Université Laval, Quebec, Quebec
1993 York University, Toronto, Ontario
- G.G. JOSEPH: What is a square root? A study of geometrical representation in different mathematical traditions
- J CONFREY: Forging a revised theory of intellectual development Piaget, Vygotsky and beyond*
1994 University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan
- A. SFARD: Understanding = Doing + Seeing ?
- K. DEVLIN: Mathematics for the twenty-first century
1995 University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
- M. ARTIGUE: The role of epistemological analysis in a didactic approach to the phenomenon of mathematics learning and teaching
- K. MILLET: Teaching and making certain it counts
1996 Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- C. HOYLES: Beyond the classroom: The curriculum as a key factor in students’ approaches to proof
- D. HENDERSON: Alive mathematical reasoning
1997 Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario
- R. BORASI: What does it really mean to teach mathematics through inquiry?
- P. TAYLOR: The High School mathematics curriculum
- T. E. KIEREN: Triple embodiment: Studies of mathematical understanding-in-inter-action in my work and in the work of CMESG/GCEDM
1998 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
- J. MASON: La structure de l’attention dans l’enseignement des mathématiques / Structure of attention in teaching mathematics
- K. HEINRICH: Communicating mathematics or mathematical storytelling
1999 Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario
- J. ALDER: Learning to understand mathematics teacher development and change: Researching resource availability and use in the context of formalised INSET in South Africa
- B. BARTON: An archaeology of mathematical concepts: Sifting languages for mathematical meanings
- J. BORWEIN: The impact of technology on the doing of mathematics
- W. LANGFORD: Industrial mathematics for the 21st century
- W. WHITELEY: The decline and rise of geometry in 20th century North America
2000 Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Québec
- G. LABELLE: Manipulating combinatorial structures
- M. BARTOLINI BUSSI: The theoretical dimension of mathematics: A challenge for didacticians
2001 University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
- O. SKOVSMOSE: Mathematical learning and critique
- C. ROUSSEAU: Mathematics, a living discipline within science and technology
2002 Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
- D. BALL & H. BASS: Toward a practice-based theory of mathematical knowledge for
teaching - J. BORWEIN: The experimental mathematician: The pleasure of discovery and the role of proof
2003 Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia
- T. ARCHIBALD: Using history of mathematics in the classroom: Prospects and problems
- A. SIERPINSKA: Mathematics education: Teleological considerations
2004 Université Laval, Quebec City, Quebec
- C. MARGOLINAS: La situation du professeur et les connaissances en jeu au cours de l’activité mathématique en class
- N. BOULEAU: La personnalité d’Evariste Galois : le contexte psychologique d’un goût prononcé pour les mathématiques abstraites
2005 University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
- S. LERMAN: Learning mathematics as developing identity in the classroom
- J. E. TAYLOR: Formative influences
2006 University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta
- B. JAWORSKI: Developmental research in mathematics teaching and learning: developing learning communities based on inquiry and design
- E. DOOLITTLE: Mathematics as medicine
2007 University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick
- R. NÚÑEZ: Understanding abstraction in mathematics education: Meaning, language, gesture, and the human brain
- T. C. STEVENS: Mathematics departments, new faculty, and the future of collegiate mathematics
2008 Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec
- A. DJEBBAR: Art, culture et mathematiques en pays d’Islam (IXe-XVe s.)
- A. WATSON: Adolescent learning and secondary mathematics
2009 York University, Toronto, Ontario
- G. DE VRIES: Mathematical biology: A case study in interdisciplinarity
- M. BORBA: Humans-with-media and the production of mathematical knowledge in online environments
2010 Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia
- W. BYERS: Ambiguity and mathematical thinking
- M. CIVIL: Learning from and with parents: resources for equity in mathematics education
- B. HODGSON: Collaboration et échanges internationaux en éduction mathématique dans le cadre de la CIEM : regards selon une perspective canadienne / ICMI as a space for international collaboration and exchange in mathematics education: Some views from a Canadian perspective
- S. DAWSON: My journey across, through, over, and around academia: “…a path laid while walking…”
2011 Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland
- C. K. PALMER: Pattern composition: Beyond the basics
- P. TSAMER & D. TIROSH: The pair-dialogue approach in mathematics teacher education
2012 Université Laval, Québec, Québec
- P. GERDES: Old and new mathematical ideas from Africa: Challenges for reflection
- M. WALSHAW: Towards an understanding of ethical practical action in mathematics education: Insights from contemporary inquiries
- W. HIGGINSON: Cooda, wooda, didda, shooda: Time series reflections on CMESG/GCEDM
2013 Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario
- R. LEIKIN: On the relationships between mathematical creativity, excellence and giftedness
- B. RALPH: Are we teaching roman numerals in a digital age?
- E. MULLER: Through a CMESG looking glass
2014 University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
- D. HEWITT: The economic use of time and effort in the teaching and
learning of mathematics - N. NIGAM: Is there really good mathematics in industry? And do we
want our students to know this? - T. KIEREN: Mathematics knowing and inter-action
2015 Université de Moncton, Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick
- RODITI : Diversité, variabilité et convergence des pratiques enseignantes
- H. HALLET : Relations : mathématique, interdisciplinaire, personnel, et électronique
2016 Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
- BERNARD R. HODGSON: Apport des mathématiciens à la formation des enseignants du primaire : regards sur le « modèle Laval »
- CAROLYN KIERAN: Task Design in Mathematics Education: Frameworks and Exemplars
- ERIC MULLER: A Third Pillar of Scientific Inquiry of Complex Systems—Some Implications for Mathematics Education in Canada
- PETER TAYLOR: Structure—An Allegory
2017 McGill University, Montréal, Québec
- YVAN SAINT-AUBIN: The Most Unglamorous Job of All: Writing Mathematics Exercises
- ANNIE SELDEN: 40+ Years of Teaching and Thinking about University
Mathematics Students, Proofs, and Proving - JOEL HILLEL: Nice, Nice, Very Nice – So Many CMESG People in the Same
Device [with apologies to Kurt Vonnegut Jr. in the Cat’s Cradle]
* These lectures, some in a revised form, were subsequently published in the journal, for the learning of mathematics.